Planning to Sponsor Family ! Australia Family Visa Categories
Migrants is no longer a unfamiliar term, in fact today every one wish to migrate to destinations with attracting opportunities for job, career, and a improved future. While migrating to a whole new country opens new doors, it also revivals your life especially if you have a family you wish to take along to your new destination. To take care of family immigrants, every country has a special visa category commonly known as Family visa. Under this visa category candidates can migrate to Australia along with their families under various conditions and permanent citizens or eligible New Zealand invite their spouse, parents, children or relatives to join them in Australia.
The different categories under the family visa are:
- Parent Visa
- Partner Visa
- Spouse Visa
- Prospective Marriage Visa
Partner visa
The Partner visa offered by the Australian immigration department is destined for individuals who are married or in a de facto relationship. The visa is granted if the applicant partner is an Australian citizen, a Permanent resident of Australia or eligible New Zealand citizen.
However, in order to migrate to Australia on the basis of marriage, the applicants need to meet certain criteria & guidelines set by the Immigration department.
Prospective Marriage Visa
The prospective marriage visa is intended for individuals who intent to visit Australia to marry their fiance. The prospective marriage visa is granted for a period of nine months, and the applicants have to marry their fiance within this time limit. After you are married, your partner can also apply for a partner visa.
Spouse visa
The spouse visa Australia allows spouse or de facto partners of the Australian permanent residents to live in Australia with their partners. In order to attain spouse visa for Australia, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled. This visa allows the married partner or de facto partners of an Australian resident to move to Australia. Some of the eligibility conditions for married partners are:
Should be sponsored by an eligible Australian citizen or permanent resident
Married legally to the sponsor
Valid marital relationship
Meet all health & character requirements
To Know more also check Australia Family Visa or contact an Australia Immigration Expert at Collabs Immigration