5 Do’s and Don’ts of Study Abroad
Every year, thousands of students migrate to foreign countries for higher education. The majority of the students turn to Europe and North America as these continents have the best institutions in the world. The trend of studying abroad prevails in Asian countries where thousands of students move to countries like USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand for higher education.
Studying abroad can be a thrilling idea, but it has its own set of challenges.Often it is not the educational hurdles but the challenges of settling down in a new society that require the biggest adjustment. From mingling with new people, adjusting to a new lifestyle. To finding part-time job and managing studies, you have to make a transition before you can get used to the new culture and people.
Here are 5 do’s and don’ts of study abroad that students should consider before moving abroad.
Get Familiarized With the Destination
Moving to a new society requires an understanding of its social rituals and customs. This will include everything from cultural etiquette and attire to climate and food. To serve this purpose, you can get a travel guide that has all these details about your destination. Preparing yourself for a foreign country makes it easier to mingle with the people and keep you abreast of the legal procedures of that particular country.
Divide Your Time Between Life, Work and Studies
When you go abroad for higher studies, it is easier to divert from the studies, especially when you are doing a part-time job. It is important to organize your life to make the most of your time abroad. What you need here is a work schedule that divides your day in terms of studies, recreation and work. Make sure that your studies get the biggest portion of your time.
Budget Your Finances
Studying abroad can be an expensive affair. There will be educational expenses, living costs and health expenditures. However, if you keep a check on your financial activities, you will be in a better position to control your finances and make an efficient use of your money. Therefore, it is important that you budget your finances. You should keep them updated every month so that you can effectively manage your money without needing to survive on cred cards.
Write Down Your Experiences
When you feel lonely, journaling provides you a way to express your feelings and share the memorable moments of your life in a new country. Write about your best encounters and the things that you learn from those experiences. When you will return to your homeland, you can get back to your journal and feel nostalgic recalling all those memories
Don’t Befriend Just Anyone
Living in a foreign country can makes you vulnerable. As you are not familiar with people and situations of the country, you need to be careful while making new friends. Whether your class fellow gets humorous or whether you take training tips from a gym mate, it is important to keep a decent distance until you get familiar with the person.
Don’t Forget About Important Documents
Imagine you reach the airport check-in only to find that you have forgotten your passport and ticket back home. Having such drastic experiences on the day of your departure can have effects on your mood. Besides, you would not want to miss your classes as a result of any such futile delay.Therefore, it is important that you keep all important documents in your suitcase a day before your departure. It is also a good idea to have copies of them in the event that your original documents were to get lost or stolen.
Don’t Keep Trivial Things In Your Suitcase
When travelling abroad, you should be particular about things you want to carry in your bag. Filling your suitcase with toiletries that can be purchased abroad, for example, will only take up the additional space and make your bag even heavier. You should keep in mind the things that you will need from home or would have a harder time purchasing/replacing abroad and be very selective when packing.
Don’t Resort To Too Much Self-Indulgence
When you are alone in a foreign country, it becomes easier to lose focus from your studies and become victim of self-indulgence. To ensure a balance between your life and studies, you need to keep things in moderation and avoid going overboard with indulgences, such as clubbing and partying.
Though it is important to unwind yourself from stress, it should not be exercised at the expense of your studies or your health.
Still Confused contact our experts at Collabs Immigration for FREE ASSESSMENT and to know your best options of studying abroad.