3 Definite ‘don’ts’ if you want to Settle- Live and work in South Africa
Do you want to live and work in South Africa? Then we guess you would not like to do anything that put your chance at risk.
That’s exactly why we have concise a guide for you about the three most important ‘don’ts’ you need to know.
These are things you definitely should not do if you want to give yourself the best chance of realizing your South African dream.
Why not to get assessed first that if you qualify to live and work in South Africa?
You’ll see in our guide that we say you should always start with an assessment. The reason for this is that an immigration assessment will clear whether or not you’re eligible to live in South Africa and which visa do you qualify for.
Proceeding without an assessment may make you apply for the incorrect visa, which could very well lead ruin all your dreams, time and money.
How do you go about getting an assessment? It’s as easy as emailing us, calling us or booking it online right this moment.
The best we offer is that to get your profile assessed by our Immigration Experts you need not to pay even a single penny to us. Our ASSESSMENT for your profile is FREE!
3 Definite Don’ts if you want to Live & Work in South Africa
DON’T go to South Africa for job hunt, without knowing that for which visa you may qualify for.
Not knowing that which visa you are eligible for and what requirements are to be fulfilled in order to be eligible will always affect your chances getting a visa. It is always better to have your homework done. To start with an Eligibility Assessment of your profile will be the best option.
DON’T switch your job or accept a promotion on your visa without consulting your Immigration Consultant.
Your visa may require a certain set of requirements and changes as per the condition and if you neglect to do say it can ruin your dream to work in SOUTH AFRICA
DON’T overstay your visa.
You are always required to have a valid visa to legalize your stay in SOUTH AFRICA in any situation though if you’re waiting confirmation on your Permanent Residence application. Thus, you always need to make sure that your visa is valid or you may get it renewed in a timely manner.